A Minneapolis artist who works in mosaic, collage, acrylics, and more.
Public art project:
mosaic bird portraits
installed in
Lower Landing Park
City of St. Paul, MN
May 2022
The birds are labeled with their
species-specific 4-letter banding codes.
Click on any image to see more information about the bird, including their names in other languages, and their eBird profile via link.
Scientific name = Dryobates pubescens Dakota = CaÆžkatotona Spanish = Pico Pubescente
Scientific name = Cyanocitta cristata Dakota = Pebduna Ojibwe = Diindiisi Spanish = Chara Azul
Scientific name = Phalacrocorax auritus Dakota = Huƞtka Ojibwe = Gaagaagiishib Spanish = Cormorán Orejudo
Scientific name = Agelaius phoeniceus Dakota = Wabdoßa Ojibwe = Asiginaak Spanish = Turpial Sargento
Scientific name = Corvus brachyrhynchos Dakota = Kaå¥i Ojibwe = Aandeg Spanish = Cuervo Americano
Scientific name = Setophaga petechia Spanish = Chipe Amarillo
Scientific name = Charadrius vociferus Spanish = Chorlitejo Culirrojo
Scientific name = Icterus galbula Spanish = Ictérido Anaranjado
Scientific name = Ardea herodias Dakota = Ho¶a Ojibwe = Zhashagi Spanish = Garza Azulada
Scientific name = Sialia sialis Ojibwe = Ozhaawashko-bineshiinh Spanish = Azulillo de Garganta Canela
Scientific name = Haliaeetus leucocephalus Dakota = Anuåkasaå Ojibwe = Migizi Spanish = Pigargo Americano
Scientific name = Cardinalis cardinalis Dakota = Pebduta Ojibwe = Misko-bineshiinh Spanish = Cardenal Norteño
Scientific name = Branta canadensis Dakota = Ma¥a Ojibwe = Nika Spanish = Barnacla Canadiense
Scientific name = Spinus tristis Ojibwe = aginjibagwesi Spanish = Dominiquito Canario
Scientific name = Poecile atricapillus Dakota = Wiyuṡkiƞṡkiƞna Ojibwe = Gijigijigaaneshiinh Spanish = Carbonero Cabecinegro
Scientific name = Turdus migratorius Dakota = ßißoka Ojibwe = Apichi Spanish = Robin Americano
Scientific name = Melospiza melodia Dakota = Wakasaåsaå Spanish = Sabanero Melódico
Scientific name = Gavia immer Dakota = Bdoza Ojibwe = Maang Spanish = Colimbo Grande
Functioning QR code for my website, made in mosaic with glass beads.